6 Tips To Test Your Way To Winning Ads

Search marketers rigorously test email copy and landing pages, but what about ad copy? Search ads need love too. Did you know that regularly testing your ad creative can increase your return on investment by 18%? We’ve compiled a list of six different methods for testing your ad creative and optimizing your marketing messaging. Learn how you can test your way to better ads.


BrandCreate Ltd

BrandCreate is unhindered by geographic boundaries or pigeon-holed services. We’ve created something completely new. A truly world-class international pool of brand talent and experts whose experience and skillsets can be drawn upon wherever you are, whatever your business.Today, we are over 600 creatives strong… worldwide… members of this unique international creative community.

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Guarantee the Success of Your Display Campaigns

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Four Best-Practices for Responsive Search Ads

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Google's responsive search ads enable advertisers to create multiple copy options and then let machine-learning and AI determine the best-performing combinations. How can marketers make the most of this powerful format? A recent infographic from JumpFly outlines tried-and-true techniques that can help advertisers stand out from the competition with their RSAs. Specifically, the piece delves into four best-practices: developing multiple headline options, crafting descriptive descriptions, repurposing existing expanded text ads (ETAs), and creating visually appealing ads.

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The ABCs of Compelling Visual Ads

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How In-App Advertising is Collecting Your Data

Infographic | December 10, 2019

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This Is Your Brain on Advertising

Infographic | December 29, 2019

Well, it depends on the ad. It takes 250 milliseconds for the brain to absorb visual cues, but only 13 milliseconds for images to elicit emotion even if you aren't fully absorbing what you're seeing. So if you want to create more effective advertisements, you should use design and copy that foster an emotional response in your viewers.

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BrandCreate Ltd

BrandCreate is unhindered by geographic boundaries or pigeon-holed services. We’ve created something completely new. A truly world-class international pool of brand talent and experts whose experience and skillsets can be drawn upon wherever you are, whatever your business.Today, we are over 600 creatives strong… worldwide… members of this unique international creative community.
