Geo Target | Targeted Advertising | Local Internet Marketing

Geo Target is for Targeted Advertising and Local Internet Marketing Now you can use Never before seen technology to Create Personalized Landing pages as per visitors' location. You can send people anywhere you want based on their Location. and Skyrocket your Conversions with an Intelligent Geo-Location Technology.


FourthWall Media

FourthWall Media is a pioneer at the intersection of technology, media, and data. We use our proprietary software to collect and process hundreds of millions of second-by-second viewing events every day, adding to our 5 years of historic data from millions of homes and nearly 10 million set top boxes sourced from more than a dozen distribution partners.


How to use ChatGPT for the creation of AR content in the ARLOOPA Studio

video | September 4, 2023

Introducing our latest video showcasing the seamless synergy of ChatGPT and ARLOOPA Studio, your ticket to unlocking a world of limitless imagination and innovation....

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Expand the Brand | Blizzard Entertainment Translates Epic Content With TransPerfect

video | August 22, 2022

One of Blizzard Entertainment’s biggest localization obstacles is keeping up with the increased cadence of content for its games in order to maintain authenticity across all regions. With such a high attention to detail comes a lot of changes to implement. By utilizing TransPerfect’s platform, they are able to continually localize their content quickly in order to meet deadlines....

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Get more customers with next generation ads

video | August 24, 2023

WASK is a new generation SaaS with smart features that model user behavior to help you reach the right target audience, and increase your business's sales and customers....

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Introducing Smart Campaigns, a better way to advertise | Microsoft Advertising​

video | September 8, 2022

Introducing Smart Campaigns. Smart Campaigns are a simple and efficient way to connect with relevant customers, who are ready to engage with your business across Microsoft Advertising and other leading advertising platforms....

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FourthWall Media

FourthWall Media is a pioneer at the intersection of technology, media, and data. We use our proprietary software to collect and process hundreds of millions of second-by-second viewing events every day, adding to our 5 years of historic data from millions of homes and nearly 10 million set top boxes sourced from more than a dozen distribution partners.
