Facebook Advertising Performance Benchmarks & Insights

Facebook advertising is predicted to hit US$4 billion this year, which is twice the volume of 2010 spending according to eMarketer. While brands are rapidly investing in the space, they lack comparative experience to assess how well their campaigns are performing. Webtrends has analyzed over eleven thousand campaigns to provide performance benchmarks brands can use to evaluate their own campaign performance.



ADVICE GROUP is a Progress Marketing company, the headquarter is based in Turin, other branches are in Lima and Bogotà. We introduced a new concept within marketing vision, the “PROGRESS MARKETING THINKING”. This is a strategic area placed in between what is today considered digital marketing (mobile & web) and the companies need to combine long-lasting brand-consumer relationships with a clear sell-out strategy that can be measured and improved during the activity.

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Getting smart about ad waste

whitePaper | July 13, 2023

For marketers, agencies and even CFOs, the answer to the first question is very likely “No.” The answer to the next two questions should, of course, be an emphatic “Yes.” A new study undertaken by InMarket, in cooperation with the CMO Council, provides real insights into the answers to these questions. It uncovers massive disparities in ad waste and optimization opportunities among advertisers in similar consumer categories. And it shows that rigorous, always-on use of attribution is a major factor in optimizing campaigns to gain significantly higher lift in incremental visits and sales from media spend.

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Finding Success with In-Game Advertising

whitePaper | March 24, 2023

With over 215 million gamers in the U.S. and with the average gamer being in their early 30s, the term “gamer” now encompasses a broad and diverse demographic spectrum. Two out of every three Americans play video games through various platforms, and gaming is third only to TV and social media in terms of how audiences spend their time—yet gaming captures less than 5% of advertiser budgets.

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Why Your Marketplace Needs an Ad Program

whitePaper | May 17, 2021

Ads are a powerful and growing profit tool for marketplace operators. A Goldman Sachs Equity Research report noted in February 2021 that “in the US alone we believe retailers are positioned to generate $15-$20 billion of e-com oriented retail media revenue from CPG manufacturers by 2025; the figure should be substantially larger when we contemplate the potential to tap into media streams from electronic, apparel, sporting goods and other manufacturers for some retailers.” The scale here is massive, and marketplace operators are taking note.

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Your customers are on social media

whitePaper | December 30, 2019

Social media has become a standard way of life, as evidenced in the 22% increase in usage within the past year. This is more than a simple media consumption habit. A typical Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram user is actively engaged with their social network multiple times daily, which is promising for brands who are active on social media platforms.

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Measuring true impact in digital travel advertising

whitePaper | January 5, 2020

As consumers increasingly research, shop and book travel on multiple digital platforms, travel marketers have amped up their digital advertising budgets, their focus on measuring the true impact of their ad spend and identifying what is working, and what is not.

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Powering a Programmatic Revolution Through APIs

whitePaper | September 23, 2022

You have quality content and a highly engaged audience on your site. You are a line item on every Fortune 100’s marketing plan. You opened up your site to programmatic demand because of what the technology promised to offer: “target the right user, at the right time, for the right price.” And it has delivered on that promise for both you and your advertisers. But your CPMs have been declining for a decade. Your display ads have become almost worthless, you’ve tried adding new units like video and native to the mix. Now your site is bloated, load times are unbearable, and your core audience is noticing. You feel helpless to turn it around.

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ADVICE GROUP is a Progress Marketing company, the headquarter is based in Turin, other branches are in Lima and Bogotà. We introduced a new concept within marketing vision, the “PROGRESS MARKETING THINKING”. This is a strategic area placed in between what is today considered digital marketing (mobile & web) and the companies need to combine long-lasting brand-consumer relationships with a clear sell-out strategy that can be measured and improved during the activity.
