People now just want news that's true, says Ivar Krustok, Head of Data Science and IT at Ekspress Meedia

We had the opportunity to speak with Ivar Krustok, Head of Data Science and IT at Ekspress Meedia, who gave us an interesting insight into the world of advertising powered by data and technology. Read on to find out what makes good advertisements in the current consumer landscape.

Subscriber numbers were really low in the digital space, but now if you look at the digital space, it's full of channels that have a huge amount of subscribers and they don't need advertisements.

MEDIA 7: Hi Ivar, let's begin with you telling us a little bit about what digital marketing means to you.
I think digital marketing means quite a lot to me. I'm not working every day in digital marketing anymore, but it's where my career started. It's what I'm teaching currently in school right now. I firmly believe that digital marketing is important for every business out there. So there isn't a question anymore about should you be doing it. But it's a question of how you should be doing it. I think it applies to every company. I think it applies to every role inside the company. I think most people in their day-to-day work should be somewhat fluent in digital marketing because even if you are just an editorial working in our team, you must understand how social media works. You must understand how Google algorithms work, why they're picking up your story, why it's reaching a wider audience. I think it's one of these topics that impacts a lot more people than they would even know how it impacts their life.

M7: That's interesting! You've had an extensive career in digital marketing, how do you think that influences your current role at Ekspress Meedia?
My current role is more digital, as the IT side of our business that means most of the day I work on how the site is performing, are we live, etc. But it also includes if our advertisers are being shown or are there some issues, how we can improve our inventory. If we're not getting enough impressions for one format, how could we improve that, is targeting done correctly? Should we add more data points that we're collecting from the users? Should we set up more events? So all of this knowledge and the understanding about how fundamentally our channel gets most of its money today is related to digital marketing. Understanding that makes me, well, helps me give better reasons why we're performing something or doing something.

And it also helps our, like my own team, to understand that sometimes, if we're talking about a campaign and we have to make some adjustments for the client, then they understand why usually some items might come late. Like just the day before, we had to set it up in a few hours because, as we all know, a lot of marketing, like materials and a lot of campaigns, they start like before the campaign even with a 10-day deadline. But in reality, you are still getting all the materials late in the afternoon and everything had to go live yesterday. An understanding of that helps me, like manage my team and even manage my own time.

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M7: What are the different ways you understand, how well an advertisement is doing? how do you measure the impressions of an advertisement?
It's complicated, and I think it's also like, twofold. One, is that I would look at on the channel side. That's the thing that we're keeping an eye on because we can influence when the advertisements are being loaded. We are checking most creatives because in most markets you see that programmatic is a huge part of a publisher's revenue. In Estonia, that's not the case. I would say that if you're a large publisher, you have 10% of programmatic, everything else is directly sold. That means, we have a firm understanding of most of the creatives that go into our channel. Are they working? Are they loading quickly? Are they full of some items that are not needed? Are they heavy banners? Like if you're stuck with bad internet or now we have this Google Chrome update that says, if it takes too many resources, it's never going to be loaded.

And if we are looking over all the creatives, then we can influence how the market understands what; why it's important to make not as heavy creatives, and then we can start to look at numbers like viewability. If we're calling the banner out, what will people see, when should we load the banner - one screen at a time or half a screen. The last issue that we had was - when somebody clicks a back button, when should we load the advertisements that are higher from the screen, or should we load new banners and so on. There's a lot of influence that we can make to improve the viewability. And from that point, I would say that's the other side of the business, how well somebody's making a creative. Some platforms allow you to create lightweight advertisements that function.

Like I could say things about Flash was bad. I would say, still, say for advertisement side, Flash was one of the better things to ever happen because they were quick, easy to assess, easy to create - it was perfect for advertisements. It was bad in almost every other way, but it was perfect for advertising. And now if you are in a situation where we have all of these HTML five banners, a lot goes on the creative sites. And it's not only about how well somebody can do, really nice animation or what the visual looks like, but it goes down to the technical aspects of the actual banner and how it's performing. And only when you succeed in that you can move on to how well it's converting, are you targeting to the correct audience, and move around that.

So if you see that their conversions are not up, there's always the question - do you just have bad creatives or are you getting it wrong or your message is wrong. And that's, I think a lot of times, it's a real niche, like a specter of things. And even though I also run the analytical team, I'm still not 100% on board with moving to the almost totally conversion based marketing method that everybody's striving for because I believe in the better days of marketing of brand values and how brands show themselves and all of these branding campaigns. Even if you cannot easily calculate how much it brings back to the company, I still think in the longer run, having a solid, good branding campaign now and then really helps, raise the, brand value or whatever scopes you have behind the brand.

M7: That’s pretty interesting. Talking about advertising, what are some of the new advertising formats that are trending today and how do you use these trends in your advertisements for your clients at Ekspress Meedia?
One example was with the other person, who redirected you to me is that we're always looking for partners like these. I would say one thing about their platform is that they're evolving something that’s like between flash and HTML, where the creatives themselves are technically advanced. That means there are lightweight, and they also have a wide gallery of formats that basically helps us. Because again, if we would develop a lot of these things on our site, we would have to do it in HTML, which just means that all of these libraries and everything else we add into the creative has nothing to do with the end clients. Then, in that case, we need partners to help us create these creatives as fast as possible.

And, all of these platforms that help us accomplish this, I would say, is helpful for us, but from our side, as you know, a lot of publishers are slowly moving into more of on the social side while still trying to be more focused on editorial choosing. And then, we're in this transition, where we are trying to understand what social items we should take in. One of the latest improvements that we did was that we started implementing Instagram-style stories. Now when you come to our portal, you have the same, rounded, buttons. And when somebody doesn't - you know we're targeting a younger audience - who might not want to read, in-depth analyses of, some article or, something like that, then they can just open these stories, and just click through.

They would and they should understand what the talking points are for the day. They, of course, don't know in-depth, but, they at least know what the talking points of the day are, at least in our country or on a wider scope. We're looking into a lot of these things and also the question - is it like an advertisement. But I still think it's somewhat of an advertisement because it is showing our articles in a new light. Earlier, all new sites would always look the same. They have an image and they have some text and some items on the image, but I think it's putting the more creative side into an actual article. We're presenting an article in a new way.

M7: It's almost like repurposing content to be more appealing to the audience. Last year we had the COVID-19 pandemic with significant influences on the advertising industry. What are some of the changes that have taken place because of the pandemic in the industry and how do you see this evolve into the future?
The first thing, of course, in the first few months most campaigns were canceled. That doesn't mean we didn't have any campaigns, but huge amounts of campaigns were canceled. And we were trying to see where we could cut back, but actually, it climbed back really quickly. That means after it hit, then, as people say, that the printing machines were turned on. I would say that a lot of clients started bringing the money back that they didn't spend during these months. And actually, the end of the year turned out quite nicely from a revenue point of view.

The second thing was that the time for preparing campaigns was shortened. That means, previously when you talked to an agency - they would know that in two months we will have this campaign and they're already somewhat booking items in our channel and thinking ahead. Now the process is down to like a week or two weeks, so they will tell you - I have a campaign coming in two weeks rather than two months, because, everybody's still in this state where will you close that something next week or next month? And then they're never too sure what the country will do as a whole.

And, the other is that our subscriber revenue increased quite a lot. We were thinking already that it's hard for us to grow last year because we already have quite a nice supply of subscribers into our paid content, but most people still value in-depth, analyzed, good content. We hear a lot about these people who are on social media. But we saw a huge increase of people who are now looking for the actual valuable source to get their information from. And I think it also drove most of the bigger publisher houses, in most of the world for the same reason people just want true news, not just what they read on their Facebook feed.

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There's a lot of influence that we can make to improve viewability.

M7: The pandemic also forced us to go digital. Do you think that the digital aspect of the industry is likely to last and is that a permanent change for the future?
I just recently read a report where in some countries, print newspapers are making somewhat of a comeback. I think it's also related to my last point where I said that, and I don't think it would be a huge trend, and I don't think we'll see huge charts, like vinyl sales, but I think it's still related to the similar topic where some people just think that, if it's printed it's more legitimized and it's not fast news. I think nowadays the issue is with all of these fast news sites, like daily news sites, it's just overwhelming. And I see it from myself also that if you're, just reading this news, and then it's just coming on and piling on.

And I think a lot of people, will come out of this thinking that maybe they need things to slow down a bit. I'm not sure how much it'll affect a bigger trend of the digital movement. But I see it also for, on myself where I just deleted a Facebook application and put an alarm that only allows me on Facebook for 10 minutes a day because it's the same thing. I don't want to constantly be in this space where I'm getting all of this information. I want more peace where I have some time. I consume this information because it doesn't matter if I don't read the news every day. After all, the next day there will be new COVID-19 articles by somebody who's again, wiser.

And I think, why yes, of course, digital advertisement will grow, then, I think there also will be this new niche audience of people who want to maybe calm down a bit because we can see the trend for all of these calm applications and white noise applications. We can see meditation applications also increasing a lot where people just want to slow down a bit. And other than that, there is Facebook - the controversy that is happening, and all of this - what's happening currently in the states with all of these big tech companies. Then I think it might be a really good way for all these older publishing houses. I would still say that, in our market at least, there's actually might be a huge win because of all the data, because again, we own our data.

People who are our subscribers, we have the data that they have permitted to us. We're not sharing it with anybody else. They come to our site. We cannot share these cookies, I mean Apple is destroying all of this, larger platforms with their privacy policies, and so on. I think it actually might be the huge trend from Facebook and social platforms where people are coming somewhat back into publisher houses. And I think this time, publishing houses have a stronger arm to actually get in the negotiation table because, when the first wave came with Facebook and Google mostly, all news was free. Subscriber numbers were really low in the digital space, but now if you look at the digital space, it's full of channels that have a huge amount of subscribers and they don't need advertisements so much anymore because actually, their readers are paying all of that money to them. That means now when advertisements might come back or start increasing, they have a stronger arm to negotiate better terms for themselves.

M7: That's very interesting. If there was a marketing campaign that you have helped at creating at Ekspress Meedia and you're the most proud about, which would it be and why?
I think, in Ekspress Meedia, at least currently I'm more in the support role of all of these campaigns. There's nothing really that I can't take as a marketing credit for, but one of these new platforms or things that I would still, again, somewhat call marketing, is the podcast platform that we launched a while ago that I'm still really proud of. Not only are we the largest on the market, currently, with the number of podcasts and listeners, but I think it also gave our editorial staff a new way to display their content. Because previously, we just had one podcast that had happened, but now we have three different rooms where people can record their podcasts. We have video podcasts - it's a huge, new section for us. And again, it's a trend that, of course, being in the low Baltic States, we were a few years behind, but I still see that it's a growing trend for most marketing. And I think this time we were also earlier, rather than five years after everybody else has done it - that happens if you're in a small market, usually.

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If you see that conversions are not up, there's always the question - do you just have bad creatives or are you getting it wrong or your message is wrong.

M7: In the whole podcast and radio debate, what do you think makes podcasts work?
I'm a huge fanatic of podcasting and that's why I promoted this service on our platform. I listen to about - I'm always saying 14 hours but if I make the actual calculations in my head, I know 14 is a small number because I'm usually listening to even more than 14 hours and I'm also listening to it at like 1.5 speed. I have the ability to choose when I want to listen to it and it's not as official and it usually doesn't have all of this radio morning show tropes. I think if you are listening to a podcast, you feel like most of these people that you are listening to are like companions or you are like in a room with them. And I think that's what makes a really good podcast - when you're listening to this person and you're feeling like there's three people in the studio and you feel like you are a part of this conversation. I think that makes the best part of the podcast  - the community around. Even if you are listening to it alone, you still feel like you're part of a larger community of people you don't know, but you feel like you're still among them.

M7: I don't think there is a better way to explain than that! Lastly, what are your go-to data procurement and analytic tools?
We’re trying to build as much of our own, not only how we're collecting data, but how we're storing and where we're storing it. I like to have control of the funnel as much as possible because the idea is that, a lot of other partners, they might make changes to how they're collecting data. A lot of times, yes, they might tell a large partner of theirs, but usually, if you're again in the small/ low Baltic States, you might see something as a small text in some blog posts that of course you are never going to read. Then one day, your data has been recalculated and all the history states the same, and you just have new data. This is day one again, but if you control the funnel, at least if you want to recalculate, if you want to make a change, it'll cost you, of course, but at least you are controlling how you calculate everything and how you're collecting.


Ekspress Meedia is a media group that owns two of Estonia's largest weekly newspapers, Eesti Ekspress and Maaleht; Estonia's largest news portal Delfi; Estonia's sharpest daily newspaper Eesti Päevaleht and Saturday newspaper LP and Maakodu, a favorite magazine of homeowners and gardeners.Ekspress Meedia employs over 300 dedicated people, forming one of the best teams in the Estonian media landscape. Ekspress Meedia company was formed after the merger of two media companies, Delfi AS and Eesti Ajalehed AS.


'Unlocking Market Potential: MyTradeZone's Dynamic Solution Bridges Supply and Demand for Businesses Everywhere,' says Bachir

February 15, 2024

Bachir Kassir, an accomplished entrepreneur and founder of MyTradeZone and WebJaguar Digital Commerce, has a notable track record in launching ventures, notably Advanced E Media, Inc., which introduced the WebJaguar Commerce and Marketing Automation platform, a software-as-a-service model. His latest endeavor,, serves as a global B2B trade network, likened to LinkedIn for businesses, aiming to connect companies worldwide. Machintel: Please share with us your journey that led to the founding of MyTradeZone? What inspired the concept of MyTradeZone? Bachir Kassir: Some time ago, I thought about creating a B2B network to connect companies. At that time, I had just founded my digital commerce company, ‘WebJaguar’. So, I registered the domain and kept the idea in the back of my mind. During my tenure as President and CEO of MyTradeZone, I dealt with over 1000 businesses, and the idea of MyTradeZone evolved even more with feedback from real customers, discussing their challenges and how MyTradeZone could help. Consequently, we developed a prototype and launched the site as a beta. Then, in December 2021, I had an exit when my company, WebJaguar, was acquired. With the freedom gained from the exit, I was able to dedicate 100% of my time to MyTradeZone, leveraging over 20 years of experience in B2B to officially launch the platform. Machintel: In your view, what are the biggest challenges facing the B2B sector today? Bachir Kassir: The biggest challenge facing the B2B sector is marketing and achieving cost-effective brand awareness for their products and services—to the right target audience. Many companies have great products and services, but the cost of exposure is expensive. Additionally, many companies, restricted by their size or location, encounter obstacles in attending various trade shows, yet they continue to offer outstanding products despite these challenges. Machintel: How does MyTradeZone aim to revolutionize B2B interactions, especially with its AI-driven matchmaking and recommendations? Bachir Kassir: MyTradeZone, think of it as a digital twin of our physical world, where every business qualifies to join. Now, MyTradeZone is the universe of companies. Within this platform, businesses are categorized, organized, and displayed according to their region, industry verticals, and more. MyTradeZone uses data science and AI algorithms for smart matchmaking between companies. We aim to revolutionize B2B interactions using this smart B2B search engine. Every business has a supply side and demand side, and because of that, MyTradeZone helps companies connect with potential customers. At the same time, MyTradeZone assists companies in procuring products and services from suppliers. Machintel: What methods are employed by MyTradeZone to ensure its users have fruitful networking experiences that result in lead generation? Bachir Kassir: When a company is on MyTradeZone, it becomes part of a vast universe of companies. At the same time, it can belong to and be part of different networking groups, trade shows, events, associations, and so on. This method ensures that users are exposed to the right targeted audience of the group they belong to. Additionally, a company can sponsor a specific group, thereby exposing itself to the members of that group. A group organizer can invite various companies to sponsor their groups, or companies can choose to sponsor a group through a self-service option. In the process, the group organizer can monetize their group. There are many free tools available, including live chat, video chat, group chat, private company notes, and other tools that ensure a fruitful networking experience. Another key feature is the request for quotation (RFQ) system, allowing anyone to submit quotations, while companies have the capability to search through these submissions. However, if a company is on the paid plan, the Business Essential plan, they get automatically alerted when someone submits an RFQ that matches their selected tags. Another incentive for users to upgrade to the paid plan, the Business Essential, is that they can select up to 20 keyword phrases of their choice, ensuring their company appears at the top of the search results. All the above and more provide both free and paid tools available for lead generation and smart matchmaking between companies. ...

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'Unlocking Market Potential: MyTradeZone's Dynamic Solution Bridges Supply and Demand for Businesses Everywhere,' says Bachir

February 15, 2024

Bachir Kassir, an accomplished entrepreneur and founder of MyTradeZone and WebJaguar Digital Commerce, has a notable track record in launching ventures, notably Advanced E Media, Inc., which introduced the WebJaguar Commerce and Marketing Automation platform, a software-as-a-service model. His latest endeavor,, serves as a global B2B trade network, likened to LinkedIn for businesses, aiming to connect companies worldwide. Machintel: Please share with us your journey that led to the founding of MyTradeZone? What inspired the concept of MyTradeZone? Bachir Kassir: Some time ago, I thought about creating a B2B network to connect companies. At that time, I had just founded my digital commerce company, ‘WebJaguar’. So, I registered the domain and kept the idea in the back of my mind. During my tenure as President and CEO of MyTradeZone, I dealt with over 1000 businesses, and the idea of MyTradeZone evolved even more with feedback from real customers, discussing their challenges and how MyTradeZone could help. Consequently, we developed a prototype and launched the site as a beta. Then, in December 2021, I had an exit when my company, WebJaguar, was acquired. With the freedom gained from the exit, I was able to dedicate 100% of my time to MyTradeZone, leveraging over 20 years of experience in B2B to officially launch the platform. Machintel: In your view, what are the biggest challenges facing the B2B sector today? Bachir Kassir: The biggest challenge facing the B2B sector is marketing and achieving cost-effective brand awareness for their products and services—to the right target audience. Many companies have great products and services, but the cost of exposure is expensive. Additionally, many companies, restricted by their size or location, encounter obstacles in attending various trade shows, yet they continue to offer outstanding products despite these challenges. Machintel: How does MyTradeZone aim to revolutionize B2B interactions, especially with its AI-driven matchmaking and recommendations? Bachir Kassir: MyTradeZone, think of it as a digital twin of our physical world, where every business qualifies to join. Now, MyTradeZone is the universe of companies. Within this platform, businesses are categorized, organized, and displayed according to their region, industry verticals, and more. MyTradeZone uses data science and AI algorithms for smart matchmaking between companies. We aim to revolutionize B2B interactions using this smart B2B search engine. Every business has a supply side and demand side, and because of that, MyTradeZone helps companies connect with potential customers. At the same time, MyTradeZone assists companies in procuring products and services from suppliers. Machintel: What methods are employed by MyTradeZone to ensure its users have fruitful networking experiences that result in lead generation? Bachir Kassir: When a company is on MyTradeZone, it becomes part of a vast universe of companies. At the same time, it can belong to and be part of different networking groups, trade shows, events, associations, and so on. This method ensures that users are exposed to the right targeted audience of the group they belong to. Additionally, a company can sponsor a specific group, thereby exposing itself to the members of that group. A group organizer can invite various companies to sponsor their groups, or companies can choose to sponsor a group through a self-service option. In the process, the group organizer can monetize their group. There are many free tools available, including live chat, video chat, group chat, private company notes, and other tools that ensure a fruitful networking experience. Another key feature is the request for quotation (RFQ) system, allowing anyone to submit quotations, while companies have the capability to search through these submissions. However, if a company is on the paid plan, the Business Essential plan, they get automatically alerted when someone submits an RFQ that matches their selected tags. Another incentive for users to upgrade to the paid plan, the Business Essential, is that they can select up to 20 keyword phrases of their choice, ensuring their company appears at the top of the search results. All the above and more provide both free and paid tools available for lead generation and smart matchmaking between companies. ...

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'We’ll start to see marketers tap intelligent tools to target consumers without the need for personal identifiers' says LoopMe's Sarah Rew

Media 7 | March 15, 2022

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Jasper Expands by Acquiring Image Platform Clipdrop from Stability AI

PR Newswire | February 23, 2024

Jasper, one of the world's biggest generative AI app companies, has announced that it has reached an agreement to acquire Clipdrop, an AI image creation and editing platform, from Stability AI. This acquisition signifies a significant step forward in Jasper's capacity to deliver the most comprehensive, multimodal copilot for enterprise marketing teams. Clipdrop is an image creation and editing platform used by millions of creative designers and brands worldwide. Founded in 2020 by Google alumni Cyril Diagne, Damien Henry, and Jonathan Blanchet, Clipdrop enables users to edit existing images, create new ones, and develop an expansive number of variations in size, detail, and style. For marketers and brand leaders, this technology can be a catalyst for accelerating their ad strategies and developing on-brand creative. "Marketing is visual," said Timothy Young, CEO of Jasper. "The addition of Clipdrop to Jasper will advance our vision to be the most comprehensive end-to-end marketing copilot in the industry, powering all the formats, channels, and functions enterprise marketing teams need. A copilot this robust will enable the enterprises we serve to go beyond simple AI prompts to achieve more personalized marketing, better informed automation, and improved optimization across their entire strategy." The Clipdrop team will join Jasper effective immediately and continue to lead research and innovation on multimodality in Jasper from their headquarters in Paris, which has become a hub of AI innovation in Europe. With this acquisition, Jasper expands its footprint to Europe and plans to continue to invest there from both a talent and customer acquisition standpoint. The company is eager to contribute to Paris's vibrant AI community. "Jasper has been a valued partner, leveraging Stability AI models for many years," said Emad Mostaque, CEO of Stability AI. "We're thrilled to see Clipdrop expand their offering by joining forces with Jasper. We will continue to partner with Clipdrop on research and deliver our cutting-edge models to their platform." "We are excited about what Clipdrop technology can do inside Jasper's copilot for marketing teams," said Damien Henry, Clipdrop co-founder. "There are natural synergies between the two companies and a clear focus on creating the best multimodal platform for marketers. We can't wait to get started." In addition to leading further development of AI-assisted image creation and editing, Damien Henry will play a larger leadership role in research and innovation for the entire Jasper product. The acquisition of Clipdrop closed on February 20, 2024. Business customers will be able to access it through the Jasper API immediately, over time the functionality will be more deeply integrated into the copilot. Individuals can still purchase Clipdrop as a standalone product via

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Brand Marketing, Advertiser Platforms

Gupshup brings Vertex AI-powered AI chatbots into RCS conversations

PR Newswire | February 26, 2024

Gupshup, the world's leading Conversation Cloud platform today announced that brands on its platform can now offer AI chatbots for RCS conversations, opening up a whole new advanced and interactive experience for their users. Gupshup's Conversational AI product suite, spanning Auto Bot Builder and ACE LLM, are now using Google Cloud's Vertex AI platform to bring the benefits of Google's large language models (LLMs) to Gupshup's customers globally. The integration will enable businesses to deliver more precise and human-like interactions with speed and scale and offer a more personalized and responsive experience. Further, AI assistants on RCS will be able to intelligently respond to unstructured queries, assisting customers across various stages–from product discovery, lead generation to troubleshooting and customer support. "Generative AI is transforming the RCS industry, and we're thrilled that Gupshup is utilizing our latest LLMs on Vertex AI to further personalize and enhance how businesses engage with customers through AI-driven conversations," said Warren Barkley, Senior Director of Product Management, Vertex AI at Google Cloud. "Vertex AI provides partners like Gupshup with a unified AI platform to leverage state-of-the-art foundational models, and we look forward to seeing the ways Gupshup continues to innovate with this technology." "We've always leveraged the latest cutting-edge AI technologies to offer a superior customer engagement platform to our brands. With our Auto Bot Builder and domain-specific ACE LLM now leveraging Google's LLMs, business messages on RCS are set to get a massive facelift, leading to better ROI for enterprises. We are excited to work with Google Cloud to help our brands bring intelligent conversations on RCS that will redefine customer engagement," said Beerud Sheth, Founder and CEO, Gupshup. Gupshup is a pioneer in leveraging domain-specific, fine-tuned large language models (LLMs) to automate the creation of enterprise-grade chatbots with appropriate guardrails. In January 2023, it launched Auto Bot Builder, a tool that leverages LLMs to automatically and effortlessly build advanced chatbots for enterprises. Gupshup's Conversational AI solutions are already live with several clients in India and abroad. The advanced chatbot for Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) - Dubai's largest utility, is powered by Gupshup. In India, several brands such as Tata Capital and Chaayos are using it for brand engagement, product discovery, employee training, and consultative selling.

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Programmatic Advertising

TripleLift and Reset Digital Forge Partnership to Help Advertisers Meet Diverse Spending Goals All The Way Through The Programmatic Ecosystem

PR Newswire | January 05, 2024

TripleLift, the ad tech platform elevating digital advertising across every screen, and Reset Digital, a first-of-its-kind platform that gives brands and publishers broader and deeper audience reach across all communities, today announced a partnership to significantly expand diverse spend and representation across the programmatic ecosystem. Together, the companies are offering advertisers multiple pathways to ensure a greater portion of their digital budgets can be directed toward diverse-owned media companies. The partnership allows advertisers to buy quality inventory from minority-owned businesses throughout the programmatic ecosystem: TripleLift (a SSP) and Reset Digital (a DSP), and TripleLift's UNREP (Underrepresented Voices) deal package of impressions directing dollars straight to minority-owned media publishers. This way of buying media is available immediately across display, online video, and CTV and will be launched with Native this year. In 2023, an ANA survey of certified diverse suppliers found that while a majority say that interest from the media and advertising community in supporting diverse suppliers has increased in the past year, there is still a gap between intent to spend and actual spend. TripleLift and Reset Digital are helping all stakeholders bridge the gap quickly by making it easy for them to access diverse-owned media at scale. "This partnership allows advertisers to achieve their diverse spend goals with an end-to-end solution that is more aligned with their corporate supplier diversity reporting requirements," said Thomas Brandon, VP of Agency Strategy and Economic Inclusion at TripleLift. "Importantly, it allows them to use their media spend to impact the economic growth of the diverse communities they serve." Over the last 12 years, TripleLift has cultivated a vast inventory of publishers that includes access to 220 billion monthly impression avails across diverse-owned sites as part of its UNREP curated packages. These packages include inventory among publishers owned by Women, LGBTQ+, Blacks, Latinx, and Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI) and can be accessed as a whole or individually depending on client goals. "TripleLift has been on our radar for a partnership for some time," said Charles Cantu, founder and CEO of Reset Digital. "Specifically, our marketplace combined with their offerings like UNREP now provides a single pathway to diverse spending across the programmatic ecosystem – a solution we are excited to finally have in the market together." Reset Digital, the industry's only verified, black-owned and operated DSP, has been long recognized for its neuroprogrammatic capabilities, which allow advertisers to engage audiences based on what they desire versus what they look like, its ability to help connect brands and multicultural audiences around the world and its partnerships with brands like P&G, GM and Verizon, as well as the leading global media and creative agencies. In 2023, Reset Digital launched a new programmatic marketplace for the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), a trade organization that represents more than 200 Black-owned newspapers in the U.S. along with the NABOB (National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters); these entities created a path to connect large advertisers with publications that previously did not have the capabilities to run national programmatic advertising campaigns. This partnership stands to benefit any of the buy-side clients working with these companies. "TripleLift and Reset Digital have both been great partners to Horizon Media for many years," said Karina Dobarro, EVP, Multicultural at Horizon Media. "We've long worked with DSPs and SSPs to better direct investment to diverse-owned media, but partnerships like this one make it a much more seamless endeavor." TripleLift works with 80%+ of comScore 200 ad-supported publishers and delivers over 2 trillion monthly global impressions across North America, EMEA, LATAM, APAC, and MENA. To learn more about this partnership, please visit About TripleLift We're TripleLift, an advertising platform on a mission to elevate digital advertising through beautiful creative, quality publishers, actionable data, and smart targeting. Through over 1 trillion monthly ad transactions, we help publishers and platforms monetize their businesses. Our technology is where the world's leading brands find audiences across online video, connected television, display, and native ads. Brand and enterprise customers choose us because of our innovative solutions, premium formats, and supportive experts dedicated to maximizing their performance. We are part of the Vista Equity Partners portfolio. As an NMSDC certified minority-owned business, we qualify for diverse spending goals and are committed to economic inclusion. Find out how TripleLift raises up the programmatic ecosystem at About Reset Digital Reset Digital's Neuroprogrammatic™ advertising platform is a first-of-its-kind programmatic platform that allows brands to engage omnichannel audiences based on what motivates them as people versus targets and gives brands and publishers much broader and deeper audience reach across all communities, including underrepresented audiences they could not reach in the past. The results are radically better outcomes. Reset Digital's partners include the world's top brands, agencies, and publishers, including P&G, GM, Verizon, Dentsu, IPG, Publicis, GroupM, NABOB, Newsweek, NNPA, and others.

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Ad Tech and Martech, Advertiser Platforms

Jasper Expands by Acquiring Image Platform Clipdrop from Stability AI

PR Newswire | February 23, 2024

Jasper, one of the world's biggest generative AI app companies, has announced that it has reached an agreement to acquire Clipdrop, an AI image creation and editing platform, from Stability AI. This acquisition signifies a significant step forward in Jasper's capacity to deliver the most comprehensive, multimodal copilot for enterprise marketing teams. Clipdrop is an image creation and editing platform used by millions of creative designers and brands worldwide. Founded in 2020 by Google alumni Cyril Diagne, Damien Henry, and Jonathan Blanchet, Clipdrop enables users to edit existing images, create new ones, and develop an expansive number of variations in size, detail, and style. For marketers and brand leaders, this technology can be a catalyst for accelerating their ad strategies and developing on-brand creative. "Marketing is visual," said Timothy Young, CEO of Jasper. "The addition of Clipdrop to Jasper will advance our vision to be the most comprehensive end-to-end marketing copilot in the industry, powering all the formats, channels, and functions enterprise marketing teams need. A copilot this robust will enable the enterprises we serve to go beyond simple AI prompts to achieve more personalized marketing, better informed automation, and improved optimization across their entire strategy." The Clipdrop team will join Jasper effective immediately and continue to lead research and innovation on multimodality in Jasper from their headquarters in Paris, which has become a hub of AI innovation in Europe. With this acquisition, Jasper expands its footprint to Europe and plans to continue to invest there from both a talent and customer acquisition standpoint. The company is eager to contribute to Paris's vibrant AI community. "Jasper has been a valued partner, leveraging Stability AI models for many years," said Emad Mostaque, CEO of Stability AI. "We're thrilled to see Clipdrop expand their offering by joining forces with Jasper. We will continue to partner with Clipdrop on research and deliver our cutting-edge models to their platform." "We are excited about what Clipdrop technology can do inside Jasper's copilot for marketing teams," said Damien Henry, Clipdrop co-founder. "There are natural synergies between the two companies and a clear focus on creating the best multimodal platform for marketers. We can't wait to get started." In addition to leading further development of AI-assisted image creation and editing, Damien Henry will play a larger leadership role in research and innovation for the entire Jasper product. The acquisition of Clipdrop closed on February 20, 2024. Business customers will be able to access it through the Jasper API immediately, over time the functionality will be more deeply integrated into the copilot. Individuals can still purchase Clipdrop as a standalone product via

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Ekspress Meedia is a media group that owns two of Estonia's largest weekly newspapers, Eesti Ekspress and Maaleht; Estonia's largest news portal Delfi; Estonia's sharpest daily newspaper Eesti Päevaleht and Saturday newspaper LP and Maakodu, a favorite magazine of homeowners and gardeners.Ekspress M...



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