16 Branding Trends to Increase Awareness in 2019

Every day your customers are bombarded with brands. With the Internet in virtually everyone's pockets, it's easier than ever before to reach customers and raise awareness for your business brand, but this poses a problem for you: how can you get your brand to stand out in the crowd? How can you ensure that people will engage with your brand within the sea of logos, memes, social media pages, websites, infographics, and the like?


Dailey Advertising

Dailey is a full-service, creative ad agency. We're based in Los Angeles where we've been telling memorable brand stories for almost 50 years. Find out more about us and see our latest work at http://www.daileyideas.com or contact us at hello@daileyideas.com.

Advertiser Platforms

OOH Vs. Digital Advertising: A Quick Comparison

Article | March 12, 2024

Effective marketing is the lifeblood of every company. From the 1800s, when billboards influenced audiences to buy a certain soda, to today when an ad on social media can make people spend thousands of dollars, marketing has come a long way. The success of the internet has opened new doors for advertisers and marketers. Companies cannot afford to ignore the lucrative online audience that is always available. Despite this digital advertising boom, out-of-home advertising (OOH) remains a popular and effective medium to influence customers. Figuratively, OOH and digital advertising are at war to claim supremacy. B2B marketers need to determine which is the better choice for their businesses. Let us look at what OOH and digital advertising entail. Out of Home Advertising: Promising Impact Any advertising material promoting a business and displayed outdoors counts as OOH advertising. Billboards, vehicles, walls and benches are the common tools that advertisers use to promote products and services across cities. More recently, tactics like flash mobs and digital dashboards have added frillsto OOH advertising. Companies are swiftly transitioning from traditional advertising to digital advertising. However, OOH advertising brings in a huge audience. For example, if you book a bus bench in Los Angeles to advertise your product, over 35000-50000 people might look at your ad. Netflix ran an interesting OOH campaign in France. It placed a digital screen on the outdoor boards that displayed GIFs of their original shows. These GIFs were reactions to events happening in France. When France was kicked out of the World Cup, the GIFs garnered attention and helped viewers remember Netflix. Digital Advertising: Broader Demographic Digital advertising is the way of the future. While it does not eliminate the power of OOH advertising, it does bring in a broad demographic online for most of the day. In addition, digital advertising is efficient when it comes to driving sales and revenue because digital ads go beyond advertising through personal engagement. According to Upward Labs, a highly recommended share can increase a product's value by an average of 8.8%. Internet tools and social sharing get the audience involved in conversations and influence their buying decisions. As a result, it is easier to target the right audience when running a digital ad campaign. According to a study by Marketing Land, digital advertising is five times more effective than direct mail in terms of cost-per-conversion. Digital advertising hits a few snags, like ad clutter, ad fraud, ad blockers, and bot farms, but advertisers cannot deny how broad a demographic it reaches. Moreover, its influence is easy to track. Parting Words Though your digital ads may reach a broader demographic, they may lose impact over time. OOH advertising may be a more natural course to take. However, the demand for “360” marketers is taking the market by storm, so striking a balance between your digital and OOH ad campaigns and, at times, fusing the two can be the right way to go to.

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Advertiser Platforms

3 Facebook Ad Ideas to Get Your Content Seen by Your ‘Perfect’ Audience

Article | March 4, 2024

You have countless ways to promote your content online, but one of the most effective is Facebook ads. With over 1.8 billion daily active users, you can almost guarantee your audience is there. You just need to learn how to get your content in front of them. Given a Facebook post’s organic reach is in the single digits, your time is best spent making the advertising side work for your content. In this guide, I detail three of my most effective ways to promote content using Facebook advertising (without ever touching that boost button.) 1. Create a “content bucket” campaign to reach new fans Many content creators are focused on more. They want more fans, more readers/listeners/viewers. With that in mind, focus first on growing your audience by reaching people who are unfamiliar with your brand or your brand’s content – but who would be interested in your topic. My “content bucket” campaign idea works so you don’t have to spend too much time creating big Facebook campaigns for every piece of content you publish. The concept is simple: You create one campaign. Every time you publish a new piece of content, add it to that campaign. Let me walk through how to set this up: Head into your Facebook ads manager and click on “create new campaign.” Pick an objective based on the content. If it’s a Facebook video, pick video views. If it’s a blog, podcast, YouTube video, or other non-Facebook content, select traffic.

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Advertiser Platforms

What Technical Aspects Should You Consider When Starting An Advertising Campaign? Find Out Here

Article | April 5, 2024

The advertising world is changing at an accelerated pace. Digital media and social networks have changed the way we interact with brands, and these changes have affected the way that advertisements are created. As a result, advertisers need to keep their eyes on new developments in order to appeal to consumers who want more than just a standard advertisement. In this article, I will explore some of the technical aspects you should consider when starting an ad campaign so that your efforts can be successful for both you and your clients. What technical aspects should you consider when starting an advertising campaign? 1. Store Your Campaign Data Somewhere Safe The amount of data that you and your clients collect during the course of an ad campaign can be immense, and it is imperative that you know where to store this information. One option is using a server tool such as online cloud storage to store all of your files in one central location so that they do not get lost or become corrupted. According to a popular UK cloud hosting platform, downtime and slowdowns are some of the biggest issues people face with cloud storage. Do your research and find one that has excellent customer service to avoid these issues that could slow down your campaign. 2. Clearly Communicate Your Message Have a clear message that highlights your brand’s value proposition and aligns with your target audience. This is important because the aim of your campaign is to get people to take action, and that can only be done if you have a clear message. Identifying your target audience will help you align your message with them. It does not mean choosing demographics based on age, income level, etc., but rather looking at what values they hold important. In order for an advertisement to be effective, it should match the values of the people looking at it. For example, if your target audience prefers a minimalist style because they care about the environment, your advertisement should reflect that as well. 3. Multimedia Considerations Use various channels to help spread your message and make it more dynamic. multimedia to increase your reach and make your ad more dynamic. There are many choices for multimedia, including images, videos, infographics, audio files, animations, text messages, and other graphics. All of these can be shared on social networks like Facebook or Twitter, which helps the ad stay in the limelight after it is initially posted by allowing viewers to share links with their friends and followers. Depending on the type of ad you are running, there may be channels that are better at grabbing the attention of your audience. For example, for a music artist’s album release, billboards could be placed in busy areas with high exposure in addition to social media and magazine ads in publications that their target audience reads. By spreading out your ad, it will increase the chances of getting more eyes on it and make it easier for people to find and share with their friends. 4. Pay Attention to Metrics and Real-time Data from Previous Campaigns This is done so that future campaigns can be steered in the right direction. The amount of data collected during an ad campaign can grow very quickly, so it is important to know where to look and how to use it efficiently. You can then take statistical data from previous campaigns and use this information as a reference point for new billboards or other ads. While learning from your mistakes is inevitable, there are some things you just won’t notice until you see numbers about them, like the number of people who stop by your booth at a tradeshow but do not stop to talk to you.

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Augmented Reality: The Real Game-Changer for Marketing in 2020

Article | December 8, 2020

While brands have dabbled in augmented reality (AR) for years, 2020 marks the tipping point where it’s becoming an integral part of marketing strategy, helping create meaningful and emotional consumer connections. AR has finally grown up; once infamous for gimmicks such as face filters on social media, it’s now a cross-platform tool to build truly interactive environments, compared to VR which requires a headset to create computer-aided stimuli. The figures tell us that the global market is expected to grow substantially from $13 billion this year to more than $67 billion by 2024. The technology is graduating from being used solely for entertainment to providing real-world value and utility for marketers through immersive and experiential opportunities. So – in the midst of a global pandemic – what makes this the perfect time for AR to come of age, and how can marketers make use of its unique attributes? Extensive investment in the ecosystem is laying the foundations for AR’s long-awaited, mainstream emergence. Google and Apple’s mobile tech stacks, ARCore and ARKit, mean more than four billion smartphones across the world are already AR compatible, and Google now includes AR in mobile search. In addition, the imminent arrival of 5G will dramatically boost mobile connectivity, enabling developers and content creators to use approximately 100 times the bandwidth of 4G to build a new type of experiential, 3D environment where users can intuitively interact with the people, objects and information around them. Alongside these tech developments, the global COVID-19 context is inevitably changing consumer needs and behaviors, increasing demand for the virtual, contactless experiences that can be achieved through AR. And in the near future, wearable tech such as AR spectacles will also join the party to propel evolution in the space even faster. Here are four ways AR can be a game-changer for marketing in 2020: Enabling product visualization In a world where consumers order everything from clothes to cars online, marketers can harness AR to help shoppers visualize products in an interactive and immersive way that goes far beyond a static image or video. This could mean experiencing what it’s like to sit inside a dream car, watching AR panoramas unfold through the virtual windscreen, or seeing what a jacket looks like on the actual shopper, without them having to leave the house. Augmented Reality enables consumers to explore customization options and the unique elements that a product can offer. Brands that utilize the technology witness up to 8x longer dwell times, as giving consumers control over their digital experiences boosts engagement levels. For instance, participants at an AR smartphone launch can virtually see and interact with detailed specifications and features of the device. AR is certainly not restricted to just online browsing – it has a real benefit in the physical world too, for instance helping shoppers in stores discover how and where the product was made, just by scanning a code –subsequently helping move them along their purchase journey. Future-proofing education and development AR enables a more sophisticated, discovery-based form of learning. For example, students in a classroom can engage with virtual, 3D objects to help grow their understanding of certain topics. Teaching concepts such as orbits in the solar system can be optimized using AR-powered, interactive models. Additionally, AR allows for the gamification of learning experiences, helping to boost knowledge retention through educational puzzles and treasure hunts. The learning benefits of AR also extend beyond the classroom. In mechanical fields especially, the technology can train people how to complete tasks by superimposing the end result on the version the trainee is practicing with. Implementing AR in professional development cases has shown significant improvements to learning curves, creativity, and spatial awareness. In fact, according to a study by the National Training Laboratories, “learning by doing” has shown to increase learning retention rates by up to 75% compared to simply listening to a seminar or lecture. By progressing education onto understanding and experiencing, as opposed to reading and writing, AR offers huge benefits across the industry. Invigorating interactive advertising Product visualization, along with other attributes of AR, can be used to deliver interactive advertising experiences that truly connect with consumers and boost conversions by 40%. AR ad units drive far more engagement and dwell time than conventional media and can give digital display advertising a new lease of life. What’s more, the real-time interaction between user and ad enables advertisers to effectively measure the impact of their campaigns and optimize accordingly. Advertisers have cautiously experimented with AR for years but they have largely added minor elements to traditional campaigns simply to ‘tick a box’. To make the most of AR’s capabilities and deliver real engagement, marketers need to take a different strategic approach and put this disruptive technology at the heart of their ad campaigns. Superseding live events At a time when social distancing makes live events and product launches problematic, AR can be used to digitally create immersive and emotionally-charged experiences that generate buzz around a brand. In fact, AR improves upon the in-person experience by allowing marketers to scale events beyond the natural boundaries of any physical location and enable hundreds of thousands of participants from all over the world to share the experience simultaneously. This will revolutionize how audiences engage with live music and sports events in particular, enabling unique forms of interaction. By augmenting the user’s immediate environment with a digital presentation layer, AR allows users to interact with players and performers in a way that is not possible with a traditional passive offline event, and to be true participants rather than simply viewers. AR reduces the need for traditional physical events and paves the way for a new era of participative, immersive and scalable online experiences, with visceral and emotional engagement. The perfect combination of tech evolution, advanced connectivity and contextual circumstance means this is the year AR really comes into its own. By taking advantage of product visualization, interactive advertising and immersive digital events, brands can leverage AR as a game-changer for marketing in 2020.

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Dailey Advertising

Dailey is a full-service, creative ad agency. We're based in Los Angeles where we've been telling memorable brand stories for almost 50 years. Find out more about us and see our latest work at http://www.daileyideas.com or contact us at hello@daileyideas.com.

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Display Advertising, Social Media Advertising

MyTradeZone.com Joins Certified Trade Mission to Hong Kong to Explore Business Expansion Opportunities in Asia

MyTradeZone | November 28, 2023

MyTradeZone.com, a trade and Social Networking for businesses, is pleased to announce its upcoming visit to Hong Kong from December 4th to 8th, 2023. Bachir Kassir, founder of MyTradeZone, will join a delegation of American companies to Hong Kong as part of a U.S. Department of Commerce Certified Trade Mission organized by IBS Global Consulting with the support of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the U.S. Commercial Service. The delegation, comprising a diverse group of American companies, aims to foster cross-border partnerships, explore export opportunities, and deepen economic ties between the United States and Hong Kong. The visit to Hong Kong presents an exciting opportunity for MyTradeZone.com to expand its global reach, tap into new markets, and establish key connections with Hong Kong's dynamic business community and trade associations. With Hong Kong's strategic location as a gateway to the Asia-Pacific region, robust financial services sector, and reputation as a major international trade hub, this visit holds immense promise for American enterprises looking to navigate the Asian market. Led by Tonya McNeal-Weary, Managing Director at IBS Global Consulting, the delegation will engage in a series of high-level meetings, networking events, and industry-specific forums during the five-day visit. These activities are designed to facilitate mutually beneficial partnerships between U.S. and Hong Kong businesses across various sectors. [MyTradeZone.com] is a disruptive business networking platform, and is like an always open trade show: • Businesses: Add company profile page. Showcase products & services. Network locally and around the world • Event Organizers, Trade Associations, & Networking Groups: Provide value-added offering to members & sponsors in a public or private setting • Creators & Group owners: Monetize your creations via peer-to-peer payment enablement • Advertisers and Marketers: MyTradeZone's B2B search engine offers highly targeted and cost-effective advertisements to both buyers and sellers • Business Professionals: Grow your professional network, chat, connect, follow, takes notes, share and collaborate As an official member of the delegation, MyTradeZone will have the opportunity to gain firsthand insights into Hong Kong's business landscape, explore regulatory frameworks, exchange best practices, and forge lasting relationships with key stakeholders. Additionally, the itinerary includes tailored site visits to cutting-edge facilities and industrial parks, showcasing Hong Kong's commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship. The visit to Hong Kong aims to enhance trade cooperation and seeks to highlight the enduring friendship between the United States and Hong Kong. As both economies continue to recover from the challenges posed by the global pandemic, this visit becomes even more crucial in reinvigorating trade ties and promoting long-term economic growth. About MyTradeZone.com MyTradeZone is a social networking platform for businesses. We are working on the next thing to disrupt business networking. MyTradeZone is a forward-thinking B2B media technology company reshaping how businesses connect and network. MyTradeZone's B2B search engine offers highly targeted and cost-effective advertisements to both buyers and sellers. MyTradeZone is also a perfect companion offering to trade show organizers and networking groups offering value added benefits to both members and sponsors.

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Advertiser Platforms

Stagwell (STGW) and MNTN Partner to Forge a Unified Performance Marketing Ecosystem for Brands

PR Newswire | January 12, 2024

Stagwell (NASDAQ: STGW), the challenger network built to transform marketing, is partnering with connected TV (CTV) advertising leader MNTN to broaden the market of performance advertising for brands. With the partnership, brands will now have access to a comprehensive set of buying solutions that combine the best of MNTN's Performance TV platform with Stagwell Marketing Cloud products, providing added streaming, performance PR and performance influencer capabilities in a one-stop shop. Stagwell and MNTN's strategic partnership allows for a more unified approach to brand and performance media, offering brands access to advanced technologies and a comprehensive suite of tools enabling brand campaigns on television to now seamlessly coexist with other digital channels. "For too long, brand and performance media have battled to co-exist in an industry that worships creative ideas and measurable metrics separately," said MNTN President and CEO Mark Douglas. "Now Stagwell's performance-focused clients can see their brand campaigns at work through MNTN Performance TV and not only qualify but quantify results of traditionally less measurable media." "Stagwell believes all media is performance media, and our partnership with MNTN is our next step in creating an integrated ecosystem of technology and media solutions that enable speed to market, improved outcomes, and ultimately, scaled brand performance for clients," said Stagwell Chairman and CEO Mark Penn. "In combination with SMC tools, including social, streaming, and PR capabilities, brands can now attach metrics to their big marketing ideas in a granular way." Meeting Client Demands The partnership between Stagwell and MNTN Performance TV addresses the growing importance of performance advertising for modern brands, offering a comprehensive suite of buying solutions that feature cutting-edge targeting, measurement, and automated optimization technology. The collaboration introduces an innovative approach to television advertising, offering brands metrics that matter together – reach and revenue. Expanded Toolset MNTN clients will now benefit from an enhanced suite of tools, incorporating products from the Stagwell Marketing Cloud. This includes: PRophet, a generative and predictive AI platform for PR professionals Koalifyed, an influencer discovery and campaign management platform ReachTV, the largest streaming television network targeting travelers in airports Together, Stagwell and MNTN aim to meet the evolving needs of modern brands in a performance-driven landscape. Stay tuned for insights from Stagwell's Mark Penn and MNTN's Mark Douglas at CES next week, where they will discuss the power of this collaboration. Brands and/or journalists interested in connecting on the ground should contact ces2024@stagwellglobal.com for more information. About MNTN MNTN is the Hardest Working Software in TV, bringing unrivaled performance and simplicity to Connected TV advertising. Our self-serve technology makes running TV ads as easy as search and social and helps brands drive measurable conversions, revenue, site visits, and more. MNTN is one of Fast Company's Most Innovative Companies of 2023 and was recently named one of the Next Big Things in Tech for its upcoming VIVA creative suite. For more information, please visit https://mountain.com/. About Stagwell Stagwell (NASDAQ: STGW) is the challenger network built to transform marketing. We deliver scaled creative performance for the world's most ambitious brands, connecting culture-moving creativity with leading-edge technology to harmonize the art and science of marketing. Led by entrepreneurs, our 13,000+ specialists in 34+ countries are unified under a single purpose: to drive effectiveness and improve business results for their clients. Join us at www.stagwellglobal.com.

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Ad Tech and Martech

Inuvo's IntentKey AI Powers the Privacy-First, Post-Cookie Era

GlobeNewswire | January 11, 2024

In the wake of Google's phase out of third-party cookies starting in January 2024, Inuvo, Inc. (NYSE American: INUV), a leading provider of marketing technology, powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that serves brands and agencies, has announced its continued commitment to a cookieless future with its IntentKey AI, outlining the ways its technology can already work around Google’s changes. IntentKey, powered by a large language model, creates cookieless audience models by leveraging over 25 million AI-identified concepts that represent consumer intent signals across the web. These concepts are used to understand why an audience is interested in a product and why URLs are visited. IntentKey models help marketers reach their audiences in today’s post-cookie landscape. "Google’s fast timeline, closing cookies by the end of 2024, has caught some marketers off guard, but Inuvo has been preparing for a while. IntentKey can align, predict, and activate audiences across platforms without relying on cookies or other trackers,” said Inuvo CEO Richard Howe. “As the industry moves rapidly toward a cookieless reality, IntentKey stands ready to power more relevant digital experiences through ethical data practices and intended audiences - not identity-based audiences." Featuring Non-Personal Identifying Information (NPII) that maintains consumer privacy and prevents personal data exposure, IntentKey enables brands to securely connect with high-intent audiences in the moment audiences signal readiness to engage. This approach eliminates the need for cookies to create audience models. IntentKey has delivered performance that beats incumbent media by up to 67%. With the demise of the third-party cookie in 2024, led by Google and Apple, IntentKey stands ready to power the next generation of digital marketing through privacy-forward, cookieless audience models that provide both faster and more accurate audience targeting capabilities to drive results. To learn more, visit inuvo.com. About Inuvo Inuvo, Inc. (NYSE American: INUV) is a market leader in Artificial Intelligence built for advertising. Its IntentKey AI solution is a first-of-its-kind proprietary and patented technology capable of identifying and actioning to the reasons why consumers are interested in products, services, or brands, not who those consumers are. To learn more, visit www.inuvo.com.

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Display Advertising, Social Media Advertising

MyTradeZone.com Joins Certified Trade Mission to Hong Kong to Explore Business Expansion Opportunities in Asia

MyTradeZone | November 28, 2023

MyTradeZone.com, a trade and Social Networking for businesses, is pleased to announce its upcoming visit to Hong Kong from December 4th to 8th, 2023. Bachir Kassir, founder of MyTradeZone, will join a delegation of American companies to Hong Kong as part of a U.S. Department of Commerce Certified Trade Mission organized by IBS Global Consulting with the support of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the U.S. Commercial Service. The delegation, comprising a diverse group of American companies, aims to foster cross-border partnerships, explore export opportunities, and deepen economic ties between the United States and Hong Kong. The visit to Hong Kong presents an exciting opportunity for MyTradeZone.com to expand its global reach, tap into new markets, and establish key connections with Hong Kong's dynamic business community and trade associations. With Hong Kong's strategic location as a gateway to the Asia-Pacific region, robust financial services sector, and reputation as a major international trade hub, this visit holds immense promise for American enterprises looking to navigate the Asian market. Led by Tonya McNeal-Weary, Managing Director at IBS Global Consulting, the delegation will engage in a series of high-level meetings, networking events, and industry-specific forums during the five-day visit. These activities are designed to facilitate mutually beneficial partnerships between U.S. and Hong Kong businesses across various sectors. [MyTradeZone.com] is a disruptive business networking platform, and is like an always open trade show: • Businesses: Add company profile page. Showcase products & services. Network locally and around the world • Event Organizers, Trade Associations, & Networking Groups: Provide value-added offering to members & sponsors in a public or private setting • Creators & Group owners: Monetize your creations via peer-to-peer payment enablement • Advertisers and Marketers: MyTradeZone's B2B search engine offers highly targeted and cost-effective advertisements to both buyers and sellers • Business Professionals: Grow your professional network, chat, connect, follow, takes notes, share and collaborate As an official member of the delegation, MyTradeZone will have the opportunity to gain firsthand insights into Hong Kong's business landscape, explore regulatory frameworks, exchange best practices, and forge lasting relationships with key stakeholders. Additionally, the itinerary includes tailored site visits to cutting-edge facilities and industrial parks, showcasing Hong Kong's commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship. The visit to Hong Kong aims to enhance trade cooperation and seeks to highlight the enduring friendship between the United States and Hong Kong. As both economies continue to recover from the challenges posed by the global pandemic, this visit becomes even more crucial in reinvigorating trade ties and promoting long-term economic growth. About MyTradeZone.com MyTradeZone is a social networking platform for businesses. We are working on the next thing to disrupt business networking. MyTradeZone is a forward-thinking B2B media technology company reshaping how businesses connect and network. MyTradeZone's B2B search engine offers highly targeted and cost-effective advertisements to both buyers and sellers. MyTradeZone is also a perfect companion offering to trade show organizers and networking groups offering value added benefits to both members and sponsors.

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Advertiser Platforms

Stagwell (STGW) and MNTN Partner to Forge a Unified Performance Marketing Ecosystem for Brands

PR Newswire | January 12, 2024

Stagwell (NASDAQ: STGW), the challenger network built to transform marketing, is partnering with connected TV (CTV) advertising leader MNTN to broaden the market of performance advertising for brands. With the partnership, brands will now have access to a comprehensive set of buying solutions that combine the best of MNTN's Performance TV platform with Stagwell Marketing Cloud products, providing added streaming, performance PR and performance influencer capabilities in a one-stop shop. Stagwell and MNTN's strategic partnership allows for a more unified approach to brand and performance media, offering brands access to advanced technologies and a comprehensive suite of tools enabling brand campaigns on television to now seamlessly coexist with other digital channels. "For too long, brand and performance media have battled to co-exist in an industry that worships creative ideas and measurable metrics separately," said MNTN President and CEO Mark Douglas. "Now Stagwell's performance-focused clients can see their brand campaigns at work through MNTN Performance TV and not only qualify but quantify results of traditionally less measurable media." "Stagwell believes all media is performance media, and our partnership with MNTN is our next step in creating an integrated ecosystem of technology and media solutions that enable speed to market, improved outcomes, and ultimately, scaled brand performance for clients," said Stagwell Chairman and CEO Mark Penn. "In combination with SMC tools, including social, streaming, and PR capabilities, brands can now attach metrics to their big marketing ideas in a granular way." Meeting Client Demands The partnership between Stagwell and MNTN Performance TV addresses the growing importance of performance advertising for modern brands, offering a comprehensive suite of buying solutions that feature cutting-edge targeting, measurement, and automated optimization technology. The collaboration introduces an innovative approach to television advertising, offering brands metrics that matter together – reach and revenue. Expanded Toolset MNTN clients will now benefit from an enhanced suite of tools, incorporating products from the Stagwell Marketing Cloud. This includes: PRophet, a generative and predictive AI platform for PR professionals Koalifyed, an influencer discovery and campaign management platform ReachTV, the largest streaming television network targeting travelers in airports Together, Stagwell and MNTN aim to meet the evolving needs of modern brands in a performance-driven landscape. Stay tuned for insights from Stagwell's Mark Penn and MNTN's Mark Douglas at CES next week, where they will discuss the power of this collaboration. Brands and/or journalists interested in connecting on the ground should contact ces2024@stagwellglobal.com for more information. About MNTN MNTN is the Hardest Working Software in TV, bringing unrivaled performance and simplicity to Connected TV advertising. Our self-serve technology makes running TV ads as easy as search and social and helps brands drive measurable conversions, revenue, site visits, and more. MNTN is one of Fast Company's Most Innovative Companies of 2023 and was recently named one of the Next Big Things in Tech for its upcoming VIVA creative suite. For more information, please visit https://mountain.com/. About Stagwell Stagwell (NASDAQ: STGW) is the challenger network built to transform marketing. We deliver scaled creative performance for the world's most ambitious brands, connecting culture-moving creativity with leading-edge technology to harmonize the art and science of marketing. Led by entrepreneurs, our 13,000+ specialists in 34+ countries are unified under a single purpose: to drive effectiveness and improve business results for their clients. Join us at www.stagwellglobal.com.

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Ad Tech and Martech

Inuvo's IntentKey AI Powers the Privacy-First, Post-Cookie Era

GlobeNewswire | January 11, 2024

In the wake of Google's phase out of third-party cookies starting in January 2024, Inuvo, Inc. (NYSE American: INUV), a leading provider of marketing technology, powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that serves brands and agencies, has announced its continued commitment to a cookieless future with its IntentKey AI, outlining the ways its technology can already work around Google’s changes. IntentKey, powered by a large language model, creates cookieless audience models by leveraging over 25 million AI-identified concepts that represent consumer intent signals across the web. These concepts are used to understand why an audience is interested in a product and why URLs are visited. IntentKey models help marketers reach their audiences in today’s post-cookie landscape. "Google’s fast timeline, closing cookies by the end of 2024, has caught some marketers off guard, but Inuvo has been preparing for a while. IntentKey can align, predict, and activate audiences across platforms without relying on cookies or other trackers,” said Inuvo CEO Richard Howe. “As the industry moves rapidly toward a cookieless reality, IntentKey stands ready to power more relevant digital experiences through ethical data practices and intended audiences - not identity-based audiences." Featuring Non-Personal Identifying Information (NPII) that maintains consumer privacy and prevents personal data exposure, IntentKey enables brands to securely connect with high-intent audiences in the moment audiences signal readiness to engage. This approach eliminates the need for cookies to create audience models. IntentKey has delivered performance that beats incumbent media by up to 67%. With the demise of the third-party cookie in 2024, led by Google and Apple, IntentKey stands ready to power the next generation of digital marketing through privacy-forward, cookieless audience models that provide both faster and more accurate audience targeting capabilities to drive results. To learn more, visit inuvo.com. About Inuvo Inuvo, Inc. (NYSE American: INUV) is a market leader in Artificial Intelligence built for advertising. Its IntentKey AI solution is a first-of-its-kind proprietary and patented technology capable of identifying and actioning to the reasons why consumers are interested in products, services, or brands, not who those consumers are. To learn more, visit www.inuvo.com.

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