Colorado Companies Bounce Back Amid Pandemic by Leveraging the Power of Digital Advertising

While many businesses have closed their doors or continue to struggle, some Colorado companies have been able to thrive during the economic downturn by leveraging the power of digital advertising, technology, and education. Several local media companies were able to educate and advise their advertising clients on strategy and execution, by leveraging support from their technology and service provider AdCellerant. These media companies helped their advertisers regain lost revenue from the COVID pandemic, and in some cases, generate more business than pre-COVID. Their efforts included hosting free educational webinars showcasing the power of digital advertising during a pandemic, providing targeted plans and guides for specific industries focused on recovery, and research focused on industry shifts/changes to stay in front of local customers when it mattered most. In-person events have essentially become extinct in Colorado due to COVID. The dramatic end caused by Social Distancing guidelines have left many event related businesses without a clear path forward. Unframed Digital, leveraging AdCellerant Digital Services, helped a local arts festival shift their event completely online. Unframed Digital helped by targeting over 200,000 people's mobile devices, promoting the now "online" event, leading to a huge boost in website traffic as well as generating a new online revenue stream for everyone involved. The festival was able to recoup business that would have otherwise been completely lost due to the pandemic.



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