RevJet Announces Version 5.0 Global Ad Serving App Suite
RevJet | October 17, 2020
RevJet, the only unified app-based platform that simplifies all aspects of digital ad experience management for Fortune 500 marketers, today announced a major update to their industry-leading Global Ad Serving App Suite. Version 5.0 bolsters RevJet's Global Ad Serving Suite capabilities across the board, including streamlined cookie-less personalization, enhanced consent management, cross-device Identity Management, advanced attribution and more. "Now more than ever, Fortune 500 markers need to simplify operations and maximize the impact of their marketing spend, while simultaneously improving their data and privacy posture in compliance with ever-changing laws, standards, and regulations," said Mitchell Weisman, RevJet's Founder and CEO. "This is why a growing number of RevJet's Fortune 500 customers are deploying RevJet as their primary global ad server – enabling streamlined operations, a safer compliance structure, and elimination of non-working ad server costs – all without sacrificing any features or operational capabilities.