Teesside web advertising firm makes journey into Glasgow

A Teesside pay-per-click (PPC) advertising agency has expanded across the Border after pushing the button on a Glasgow operation. Mabo said the expansion had “been a long time coming” for the business, which has seen its staff numbers grow to 50-plus over the last six months. Managing director Lee Mabelson said: “Glasgow has similar aspirations as Mabo in the digital world – it wants to become a powerhouse and with those visions matching we see ourselves fitting in nicely. “Glasgow has great infrastructure and some great businesses we’re looking to engage and provide a tailored localised service to. This is our first office outside of our HQ and we’re excited to see it succeed with existing, key staff in place.” Rob Jackson, operations director at Middlesbrough-based Mabo, added: “The second office gives us access to a whole new talent pool.”



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