Digital Advertising 101 – How It Can Help Your Business?

In this day and age, the opportunities for businesses to advertise their brand seems pretty endless. The advertising platforms that can be instantaneously utilized ranges from digital to television, billboards, radio, and magazines, and much more. With a plethora of options available, the real question is, should you go digital to advertise your products and services? Should your business be on digital platforms such as search engines, social media, email, and mobile? The answer is simple: Yes. The straightforward reasoning behind that answer is that everyone these days spend more time online. In fact, the new 2018 reports from We Are Social, and Hootsuite reveals that there are now more than 4 billion people around the world using the internet up 7% year-on-year.



Philosophy: When Michael Hart, Chris Lange, and Jim Scott formed mono ten years ago, they set out to build a new culture, not just a new agency. From the very beginning, mono was designed to foster collaboration, embrace cross-disciplinary thinking, and fuel creativity and innovation. In a world of complexity, we use the power of simplicity to create meaningful change in our clients’ brands and business.Clients: We work with a curated list of brave clients who are ready to break through category conventions. Although we work across a broad set of industries, we have built deep expertise in retail, consumer packaged goods, entertainment, fashion, sport, automotive, and health and wellness.

Other Infographics
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Advertising infographics

Infographic | December 18, 2019

Words can be powerful, but pictures pack a punch. They convey a world of meaning with a quick glance and make complex content understandable and scannable. In fact, research has shown that 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual. Infographics provide these visual vehicles in the form of graphic design to both simplify and clarify more complicated content.

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Google Display Ads Dimensions 2021

Infographic | August 19, 2021

According to statistics, 4.72 billion people use the internet worldwide in April 2021. This number accounts for more than 60% of the global population. As a result, having a solid social media presence would undoubtedly assist a business in reaching new heights. Around 2 million websites and applications are part of the Google Display Network. Setting up and optimizing your ads on Google’s Display Network is not a piece of cake, particularly when it comes to the dimensions of the images you are choosing. Google Display Network will display ads in various positions on mobile devices and websites, so you must select the image’s dimensions accordingly. If you use the wrong banner size your campaign’s reach would be severely limited.

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The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for LinkedIn Ad Types

Infographic | February 2, 2020

We have heard a lot of complaints about LinkedIn advertising being useless. As a matter of fact, unlike Facebook, LinkedIn is not for every business. However, there are a lot of B2B marketers out there looking for ways to advertise on LinkedIn to spread brand awareness and drive leads. It is an excellent platform for many business-minded social interactions. If you are looking at targeting c-suite professionals, just spreading brand awareness, or providing insight to marketers, LinkedIn advertising is the right solution for you.

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How In-App Advertising is Collecting Your Data

Infographic | December 10, 2019

More than 9 in 10 Americans feel they’ve lost control of their personal data to corporations who mine their data from social media, connected devices, and more. But how does this collected data potentially compromise your business? When you have a business phone, these apps are still collecting data about you – where you are making your sales calls, where you are having meetings, and more. Could this data potentially be used to harm your business? What can you do about it?

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Podcast Advertising: Fuelling Revenue Through Engagement

Infographic | June 7, 2022

Podcast advertising allows you to speak directly to potential customers through an audio ad. You can have select podcast hosts talk up your brand, or hire voice talent to help you create an ad to be placed at the beginning (preroll), middle (midroll), or end (postroll) of an episode.

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The evolution of digital advertising infographic

Infographic | January 1, 2020

From static display ads to engaging interactive formats with dynamic messaging and video, digital advertising has evolved at a rapid pace over the past 25 years. Here’s a look back at the key milestones that shaped the industry.

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Philosophy: When Michael Hart, Chris Lange, and Jim Scott formed mono ten years ago, they set out to build a new culture, not just a new agency. From the very beginning, mono was designed to foster collaboration, embrace cross-disciplinary thinking, and fuel creativity and innovation. In a world of complexity, we use the power of simplicity to create meaningful change in our clients’ brands and business.Clients: We work with a curated list of brave clients who are ready to break through category conventions. Although we work across a broad set of industries, we have built deep expertise in retail, consumer packaged goods, entertainment, fashion, sport, automotive, and health and wellness.
