Ads & Email: Better Together

Ads & Email: Better Together
It’s no secret that email marketing isn’t as effective as it once was. With the average email open rate — across all industries — hovering between 16-20%, it’s time to adopt new strategies and tactics to reach your audiences.

Watch this webinar to learn several ways you can do more with email and how ads and marketing automation tools can work together to support, enhance, and complement your email marketing efforts.
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FTC Guides for Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising


Influencer marketing, native advertising and other forms of viral marketing via social media have emerged as some of the most popular and dynamic tools available to advertisers today to engage consumer audiences. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has become increasingly active in seeking to regulate how advertisers and influencers can effectively and legally communicate with the consuming public.
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Quantifying the Value of Snap Advertising


Since Snap’s launch in 2011, it has seen tremendous growth and innovation. With a large and engaged user base, Snap is an attractive platform for advertisers to connect with their customers. Marketers managing multi-channel campaigns need guidance to measure the impact of these activities accurately.
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Using Native Advertising To Fuel Your Top of Funnel Holiday Marketing

3Q Digital

This year's holiday season is almost here. You have special sales, promotions and giveaways planned. Your bottom-funnel channels are ready to close. But how are you thinking about top-of-funnel marketing and how you'll introduce potential customers to your brand?
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How To Integrate Google Ads In Your Marketing Strategy And Set Up Your Campaigns For Success


Want to run Google Ads campaigns but don't know where to start? Join this webinar with Chiara Iacoponi, senior Ads strategist at Google, to learn how to add Google Ads powered by AdEspresso to your digital marketing strategy. Today's customer's online behavior has completely revolutionized the concept of the customer journey, which has become more fragmented than ever before. Users are constantly connected, moving across devices, platforms and exposed to increasing amounts of information while making purchasing decisions. From a marketing point of view, this shift in consumer behavior calls for integrated marketing strategies across media, in order to be as effective as possible throughout the entire marketing funnel.
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