Advertising on Reddit

On Wednesday, August 10th, 2016, the SEJ ThinkTank was joined by SEJ Chief Social Media strategist and long-time, Redditor Brent Csutoras. He gave an in-depth presentation about how to effectively market on Reddit using ads.A few points he covered during his presentation:Demographics of Reddit users and why you should consider advertising on the platform.The difference between link and text ads and when you should use each.How to engage with Reddit users in a way that makes them want to interact. The importance of taking the time to learn the “language” of each subreddit.
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5 Tips to Extend Your Brand’s Reach


The world’s largest social media platform, Facebook, is opting to give users more content from friends and family in their newsfeeds. At the beginning of 2018, Mark Zuckerberg stated on Facebook, You’ll see less public content like posts from businesses, brands, and media.
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Unlock the Power of Native Advertising


Defining itself by fitting the form and function of its environment, native advertising has become one of the most popular ways to reach new audiences on everything from pop culture websites to social media platforms.
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Driving Performance With Contextual Advertising

Contextual advertising tailors ads to the environment in which a user is browsing. Since ads are served based on the interest of the user, they are hyper-relevant, tapping into that user’s current frame of mind. Contextual targeting does this by using algorithms to select the advertisements based on keywords, website content, and other metadata.
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Introduction to keywords and sponsored ads

Keywords play an important role in the success of your manual campaigns. But do you know how to use broad, phrase, and exact match keywords, or where to find keywords that will help you build a successful campaign? In this beginner-level webinar, we'll show you what keywords are and how to choose the right ones based on your advertising goals. Plus, we'll explain how to analyze your search term report to understand how shoppers discover your products.
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