Digital advertising 101: Optimizing your local and programmatic ad inventories

Navigating the ever-changing landscape of digital advertising can be a challenge. At our February customer webinar, Patty Bristol, Ad Ops program manager at TownNews, shared best practices to help you better optimize your overall digital advertising inventory. Using real-life examples and known challenges, Patty showed how using local and programmatic together can create the optimal digital advertising revenue stream.
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How to Build Your Future-Proof, Privacy-First Advertising Data Strategy

87% of marketers say data is their most under-used asset (Invesp). In addition, with changing industry standards and regulatory scrutiny, brands and publishers need to adapt to new ways of working to make the most of their data. To deliver better customer experiences and business outcomes, a new data foundation is required to enable data sharing across organizations while taking a proactive stance on privacy and protecting consumer data.
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Native Advertising: Ensuring Compliance When Developing and Distributing Original, Editorial and User-Generated Content

Strafford Publications, Inc

This CLE webinar will provide guidance for counsel of brand owners on recent developments for native advertising. The panel will examine the regulatory landscape and the laws applicable to native advertising. The panel will discuss transparency and disclosure, as well as the steps companies should take to ensure compliance and minimize the risk of FTC scrutiny.
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Get Ready for CTV’s Ad-Supported Transformation: Everything Marketers Need to Know

The streaming world is preparing for a makeover in the new year. Premium channels from Disney+ to Netflix are debuting their ad-supported channels, creating valuable inventory for advertisers. And for the first time, streaming surpassed linear viewing, meaning there are even more opportunities to make your mark. So how exactly can advertisers prepare for this new landscape?
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Adobe Stock pour les entreprises. Conçu pour la création, favorable aux entreprises.

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