Facebook Ads

Hello everybody and welcome to the official start time of our webinar. I am not Rich Brooks, in case you didn’t notice, my name is Amanda O’Brien, we’ll talk more about me in just a few minutes. We’re going to do one of our 30 minute webinars, we’re going to be focusing on facebook ads for small business. We’re going to be talking about creating a strategic plan for your facebooks ads, how to make sure they’re successful, creating a budget which a lot of people get hung up on, tips for creating great audiences, knowing when this is working and when it’s not, finding ROI that we can show our bosses, and we’re going to talk about some ads that work along the way.
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Capturing New Users with Powerful Creative

If 2021 was the year of privacy protection, 2022 will be the year for ad creative excellence. With Apple eliminating access to IDFA and Google pledging to make similar privacy-first moves on Android, app marketers need better, more relevant creatives that can reach new audiences. Join us for a live discussion as we examine the trends that drive performance across a variety of app verticals.
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Malvertising Schemes Still Lurking Within Advertising Ecosystem

Advertising scams have plagued the ad tech ecosystem for quite some time, but thanks to industry innovations many protections are now in place. Yet, that does not mean a pesky scam does not sneak through the pipes every now and then. In fact, malvertising – the practice of incorporating malware in online advertisements – is still a prominent practice. Bad actors are evolving their scams and they have proved to be more profitable than before.
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Introduction to Advertising on LinkedIn


With LinkedIn Marketing Solutions, you can reach B2B audiences around the world in many ways. If you are launching your first ad campaign on LinkedIn, this on-demand webinar has everything you need to get started. Jennifer is a digital native with over 15 years of experience in media and advertising. She joined LinkedIn in 2010 and has held a variety of roles. Currently, she is responsible for leading customer research, marketing strategy, and execution across content and product marketing efforts.
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Advertising Effectiveness for Not for Profit organizations

ESOMAR Foundation

In this second webinar of our series on Advanced Research techniques, we look at Advertising Effectiveness for Not for Profit organizations. We all know that old adage that half of all advertising spend is wasted, it’s just that we don’t know which half - but over the last decade or so - with the new neuroscience bringing real understanding of how the brain works – we are getting much better at knowing which types of advertising are most effective – in both the long and short term - and new technology has helped us measure the effect in ways that just weren’t possible before.
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