Getting started with sponsored ads for KDP authors

Sponsored Ads for KDP authors
Learn how sponsored ads can help KDP authors like you reach new readers and drive more sales.

In this webinar, we’ll show you how our self-service advertising solutions can help you promote your books to a wide, relevant audience and inspire readers' loyalty.
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Facebook Advertising for Small Businesses


In this webinar presented by Hibu and Marketing Bitz, we’ll examine the changing landscape of Facebook, what you need to do, and how you need to do it to have your business succeed. Hibu's Nick Hopkins and Dana Cutler provide you with the information and strategies you need to: Understand how to properly attract new customers.
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Emerging Ad Platforms in Apps, Gaming and eSports

Over the past few years there has been a surge in new platforms available to advertisers designed to reach users in rapidly growing digital ecosystems such as mobile apps, gaming, and eSports. These platforms provide a plethora of new audiences and opportunities for advertisers to get their name out there and in front of primary target audiences that may have been difficult to reach through traditional digital advertising platforms.
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Measurement in a Cookieless World: Are You Ready for What’s Next?

Effective measurement is a fundamental pillar of all marketing. Being able to target the right audience on the right channels and measure the right performance metrics is core to any successful marketing program. But measurement is becoming increasingly difficult in today’s privacy-first world. With the many changes in the legal and technology landscape and the imminent sunset of third-party cookies by 2023, there are two questions that are looming in the marketing world about measurement: How would you measure (and report on) in-channel performance if you do not have access to all the data? What would this mean for cross-channel data attribution?
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Ads & Email: Better Together

It’s no secret that email marketing isn’t as effective as it once was. With the average email open rate — across all industries — hovering between 16-20%, it’s time to adopt new strategies and tactics to reach your audiences. Watch this webinar to learn several ways you can do more with email and how ads and marketing automation tools can work together to support, enhance, and complement your email marketing efforts.
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