How Agencies and Advertisers View Advertising in Post-Pandemic Times

Advertising in Post-Pandemic Times
How advertisers and agencies now view advertising in post-pandemic times, according to a recent survey conducted by Borrell Associates, is the focus of an INMA Advertising Initiative Meet-Up. Corey Elliott, executive vice president of local market intelligence for Borrell Associates, will share the surprising findings about questions like why they're still buying print newspaper advertising, how streaming video has become one of the hottest marketing products, and where businesses are spending more and where they're making their biggest cuts.
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Ads & Email: Better Together

It’s no secret that email marketing isn’t as effective as it once was. With the average email open rate — across all industries — hovering between 16-20%, it’s time to adopt new strategies and tactics to reach your audiences. Watch this webinar to learn several ways you can do more with email and how ads and marketing automation tools can work together to support, enhance, and complement your email marketing efforts.
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Emerging Ad Platforms in Apps, Gaming, and eSports

Emerging Ad Platforms in Apps, Gaming, and eSports Over the past few years there has been a surge in new platforms available to advertisers designed to reach users in rapidly growing digital ecosystems such as mobile apps, gaming, and eSports. These platforms provide a plethora of new audiences and opportunities for advertisers to get their name out there and in front of primary target audiences that may have been difficult to reach through traditional digital advertising platforms. Our Paid Media Specialists Kari Schroeder and Riley Grubb will give an overview of select platforms and why they are such an important market, which platforms have proven the most value so far, and their unique targeting capabilities. Growing brand recognition through online presence is becoming increasingly important and the team at Anvil wants to help make sure opportunities are not missed.
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How hoteliers can succeed with the Google Ads Migration


To help advertisers use Hotel Ads in a more robust and scaled manner, Google is introducing a new Google Ads campaign type called Hotel Campaigns.Hotel Campaigns helps travel marketers work smarter - with richer ad management, powerful analysis, and more granular targeting options.As a premier partner, Koddi has worked with Google for six years and is excited to share key learnings and insights for hoteliers on how to optimize Hotel Campaigns to meet your marketing goals.
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High Performance: Brand and Communications

Sirius Decisions

Every business leader wants to know the secrets to success. They're wondering what the best performing companies are doing, how they do it, and how their own teams compare. In this session, you'll walk away with data and tips on how to invest in people, programs and technology, what skills your team needs, and what strategies and actions set apart teams and leaders who deliver more.
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