HVAC Digital Marketing Boot Camp: Dominating Local Search with Google Ads

The HVAC Digital Marketing Boot Camp is a 3-part online webinar that'll walk you through everything from how to optimize your free Google My Business listing, how to increase your website’s search ranking, and how to get the best results out of advertising with Google. It covers everything you and your HVAC business need to know about being found on Google.
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Digital advertising 101: Optimizing your local and programmatic ad inventories


Navigating the ever-changing landscape of digital advertising can be a challenge. At our February customer webinar, Patty Bristol, Ad Ops program manager at TownNews, shared best practices to help you better optimize your overall digital advertising inventory. Using real-life examples and known challenges, Patty showed how using local and programmatic together can create the optimal digital advertising revenue stream.
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The digital shift: How brands win on Amazon


Every day your brand stands to win or lose position on the digital shelf. Brand marketers must tell a compelling brand story at all the various digital touchpoints in a shopper's journey.
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Advanced Amazon Advertising for Brands and Retailers


To maximize visibility on Amazon, retailers and brands are shifting more of their advertising budgets to Amazon Advertising. And they are doing so at an incredible rate. According to eMarketer, US advertisers spent more than double on Amazon’s platform last year — $4.61 billion, to be exact — making it the third biggest ad platform in the country.
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Advanced Amazon Advertising Strategies for 2019

CPC Strategy

Amazon is experiencing steady year over year growth and increasing competition within the Amazon Ad landscape. For brands to reach customers it now requires sophisticated advertising strategies that are scalable and will outlast competitors. We’ll be covering the latest updates on Amazon Advertising, marketing tactics, and best practices. CPC Strategy now part of Elite SEM speakers will unpack how Amazon’s different ad types work together in the Amazon Advertising Funnel.
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