LinkedIn Ads - The Most Up to Date Hacks for Paid Promotion

The King of B2B community will likely continue to crank up the costs for marketers to reach their freakishly targeted audience. But fear not: AJ Wilcox to the rescue, with the latest and greatest LinkedIn updates, hacks, and tactics to keep us out of the high-cost advertising jail. He’ll show us how to generate the highest quality leads and get massive conversions with any-size budget—all learned from managing some of the largest LinkedIn Ad budgets in the world. AJ received RAVE reviews a few years ago at CMC, so we’re bringing him back to supercharge our LinkedIn return on investment.
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Future Trends for the Ad-Tech Market


IDC recently released its first ever analysis of ad tech vendors, and it raised a lot of interesting questions about the future of advertising software, and advertising in general. In the “Future Trends for the Ad-Tech Market” webinar, now available on demand, Jen Whelan, Criteo’s SVP of Marketing, and Karsten Weide, IDC’s VP of Media & Entertainment have a fireside chat to discuss the results from IDC’s latest Advertising Software Forecast.
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TV advertising, accounting for a $3.1 billion industry in Australia, has proven to be the most effective marketing channel for creating brand awareness and driving both online and offline response. Watch this on-demand webinar to learn about the biggest TV ad trends impacting the Australian market, including: TV’s evolving role as a performance-marketing channel. How advertisers – across industries – are thinking differently about TV-driven direct response.
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High Performance: Brand and Communications

Sirius Decisions

Every business leader wants to know the secrets to success. They're wondering what the best performing companies are doing, how they do it, and how their own teams compare. In this session, you'll walk away with data and tips on how to invest in people, programs and technology, what skills your team needs, and what strategies and actions set apart teams and leaders who deliver more.
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Paid Media: Digital Ad Trends – Programmatic/OTT/RTB

Because the digital landscape is constantly changing, Anvil’s team always tries to keep a pulse on the latest and greatest in digital trends to ensure we’re bringing innovative strategies and solutions to our clients.
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