Native Advertising Transparency Assessment Trust vs Failure

Native advertising is increasing. Done well, native can provide compelling audience experiences while supporting publishers. The current landscape, however, shows widely differing practices, few standards and increasing consumer confusion. OTA's webinar reviews the current state and provides recommended best practices for improved transparency - the 3 Ds: Disclosure, Discoverability and Delineation.
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The Future of TV Ad Measurement: How the Industry Is Operationalizing New Currencies

There is no longer a debate on the need for new currencies and measurement methodologies for TV advertising. Now that the industry has come together and decided there must be a new way forward, the future of diversified currencies lies in its ability to set new standards it can support. But what will those be?
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What’s Happening with Facebook Advertising Now?


In this free auto marketing webinar, 9 Clouds’ sales manager Matt Stoffel and creative director John Nelson walked through the most recent changes to Facebook’s marketing platform, explaining how these new features and regulations could impact your dealership’s digital marketing in 2018 (and beyond).
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What Matters: Allyship in Advertising

In this episode, we will explore how Instagram is a powerful vehicle for all creators to expand their reach and even earn an income. But, creators of color have often struggled to receive the recognition they deserve, although they are the ones who create the content that goes viral, a lot of times without attribution. How can advertisers better engage with the creators who are actually driving the creativity?
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Programmatic Advertising: Master the Essential Concepts and Tech Foundations

Despite algorithmic bias, ad fraud, and the moving target of privacy compliance, programmatic advertising is here to stay. Programmatic is efficient for advertisers and allows publishers to tap real-time demand to drive revenues. In this Meet the Analyst Webinar, our analyst Evelyn Mitchell explored how advertisers, publishers, and ad tech players operate in the programmatic marketplace that fuels over 90% of digital display ad spending in the US.
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