Optimizing your local and programmatic ad inventories

Navigating the ever-changing landscape of digital advertising can be a challenge. At our February customer webinar, Patty Bristol, Ad Ops program manager at TownNews, shared best practices to help you better optimize your overall digital advertising inventory. Using real-life examples and known challenges, Patty showed how using local and programmatic together can create the optimal digital advertising revenue stream.
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Marketo's Secrets to Digital Advertising


Riddle us this, marketers: How does Marketo get the most out of their own search and social advertising campaigns? Watch Scott Minor, Online Marketing Program Manager, and Favian Castillo, Digital Marketing Specialist, as they spill the beans on their paid strategy at Marketo.
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How To Start Your "Branded E-Commerce" Business

Sebastian Gomez

Well-branded e-commerce stores attract a lot of loyal customers—and repeat purchases. Here are four strategies e-commerce businesses can use to build
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Data is Power: How to Supercharge Your Amazon Ads with Skai

Skai invite you to join a fireside chat webinar, as experts from Skai™ and Amazon Ads discuss:Unpacking Amazon Ads’ most recent and biggest product developments
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Say Hello to Objective-Based Advertising


In an ongoing effort to make creating campaigns on LinkedIn easier for everyday marketers, we've redesigned campaign manager to lead with objectives. In the new experience, you simply start by choosing the objective that matters most to your business and Campaign Manager will customize campaign creation according to your objective. Watch this on-demand webinar to learn more about objective-based advertising and hands-on tips for creating campaigns in the new experience.
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