As a local media expert, you are always striving to increase the efficiency of your advertising campaigns. Maximizing ROI requires creating a media strategy that will not only reach the largest audiences but also reach viewers who are ready to buy products and services.
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Meet the New Faces of TV Advertising: What Major Brands Can Learn From CTV Pioneers

Connected TV is leveling the playing field and democratizing TV advertising, helping a new swath of challenger brands find success regardless of size or budget. As CTV adoption continues to climb, new players—including blue-chip brands with massive budgets—are rushing into the space and dynamically changing the landscape. So what can these established TV advertisers learn from the pioneers that have already succeeded on CTV?
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Emerging Ad Platforms in Apps, Gaming, and eSport

Over the past few years there has been a surge in new platforms available to advertisers designed to reach users in rapidly growing digital ecosystems such as mobile apps, gaming, and eSports. These platforms provide a plethora of new audiences and opportunities for advertisers to get their name out there and in front of primary target audiences that may have been difficult to reach through traditional digital advertising platforms.
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Understanding Facebook Ads For Small Businesses


Are you feeling like your Facebook Ads should be doing more for you? Are you ready to move beyond boosting posts and target specific audiences? Do you want to be able to show the ROI of your ads?
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All you need to know to start advertising on Facebook


Social media is one of our primary channels of service and product discovery. Facebook being a major international social media giant provides sophisticated marketing tools to help businesses find new customers online. It is important for any marketing specialist and business owner to learn how to use Facebook Ads if they want to stand out among their competitors.
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