WeChat Links E-commerce Capability with Moment Ads

On August 4, WeChat quietly added one more function allowing brands to connect Moment Ads with e-commerce function, according to Chinese tech media Ebrun. This is significant because, in the past, luxury brands have been using WeChat Moments (similar to Facebook’s newsfeed) Ads for event registration and more. Now they can try to invest in e-commerce ads for a better return. The ads are similar to an Instagram “click to buy” ads used to attract stronger purchase intention. WeChat encourages merchants to create e-commerce shops with the B2B template tool Youzan, the one-stop-shop for merchants to set up the visual, merchandise, shipping, and even coupons on the WeChat store. To do this, companies would need to fill out a registration information online to verify their organization is located in China. And for those who already have their e-commerce shop, they can simply link it to their WeChat Moments Ads.


Active International

Active International is a global corporate trade company that helps companies leverage assets for multi-platform media, marketing, retail, travel, shipping and freight services. Using our widely accepted trade credits, brands around the world purchase mission-critical services and products from our expansive offerings.


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Active International

Active International is a global corporate trade company that helps companies leverage assets for multi-platform media, marketing, retail, travel, shipping and freight services. Using our widely accepted trade credits, brands around the world purchase mission-critical services and products from our expansive offerings.
