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August 22, 2022

This ALPHA KONNECT report is an overview of the current connected TV landscape in Canada.

The report uses Canadian and North American data such as user reach in Canada, household penetration, and demographic data to help marketers and agencies better understand the impact of connected TV advertising.

This report also serves as a guide that breaks down what connected TV is, how connected TV advertising works, best practices when running a campaign, how to properly measure campaigns, and also provides insight on the modern marketing mix that many advertisers are embracing with Connected TV advertising.


Page Zero Media

A full-service digital marketing agency specializing in Google AdWords, organic search findability, and related services. Founded in 2000 by Andrew Goodman, Page Zero serves a diverse range of clients from large brands and partner agencies, to growth ecommerce companies, to financial lead gen, startups, and more. We're authors (Winning Results With Google AdWords), and you'll see us speaking regularly at events like SES, SMX, and e-metrics.

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Effectiveness of Paid Search Advertising: Experimental Evidence

whitePaper | December 1, 2019

Internet advertising has been the fastest-growing marketing channel in recent years, accounting for roughly $60 billion of spending in the United States alone in 2015. The rise of digital advertising has been dramatic – more than doubling over the past five years alone. Paid search, in which advertisements are placed alongside search results, comprises the largest share of online advertising expenditures.

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Brands Need Advertising Automation to Control the Consumer Journey

whitePaper | August 24, 2022

Streamlined, fluid and accessible ways of transacting between inventory and media have only partly been realized across current forms of advertising automation — namely programmatic. Our consideration of automation will go beyond programmatic to include how marketers effectively advertise in an omnichannel ecosystem, doing so in a fashion that ensures the best return on investment for whole campaigns — rather than a single ad exposure.

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5 Header Bidding Health Metrics Every Publisher Should Watch

whitePaper | November 30, 2022

Header bidding has become an essential component of most publishers’ ad monetisation strategy, allowing for better inventory fill rates and higher revenue. But just because header bidding is driving more spend to publishers doesn’t mean it can’t be optimised further. This white paper shares 5 metrics publishers should keep an eye on when evaluating the health of their header setup for maximum yield.

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The Stay Creative Series: Time - Tracking

whitePaper | February 3, 2020

Well, this is typically the time when you make New Year's Resolutions, and maybe one of those is timekeeping compliance. But rather than starting with the thinking behind all this, we'll save that for last and instead dive right into some suggestions on how to get better participation. If you're an employee vs. a principal reading this, you might want to feather your own bonus bed by taking the lead here and rallying the troops. That sort of sucking up never goes unnoticed.

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The Future of Advertising is AI

whitePaper | October 10, 2022

AI is evolving from a nice-to-have capability, to an everyday staple, especially in advertising. Forms of AI handle your bidding, targeting, optimizations and sometimes even your creative output. AI will be the baseline for advertising innovation over the next few years, are you ready?

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Integrated media plan 2019

whitePaper | November 12, 2019

Founded in 1880 as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME is a not-for-profit membership organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing, career enrichment, and skills development across all engineering disciplines, toward a goal of helping the global engineering community develop solutions to benefit lives and livelihood.

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Page Zero Media

A full-service digital marketing agency specializing in Google AdWords, organic search findability, and related services. Founded in 2000 by Andrew Goodman, Page Zero serves a diverse range of clients from large brands and partner agencies, to growth ecommerce companies, to financial lead gen, startups, and more. We're authors (Winning Results With Google AdWords), and you'll see us speaking regularly at events like SES, SMX, and e-metrics.
