Ad Networks

Finding Success with In-Game Advertising

March 24, 2023

In-Game Advertising
With over 215 million gamers in the U.S. and with the average gamer being in their early 30s, the term “gamer” now encompasses a broad and diverse demographic spectrum. Two out of every three Americans play video games through various platforms, and gaming is third only to TV and social media in terms of how audiences spend their time—yet gaming captures less than 5% of advertiser budgets.


CatchFire Creative

We are modern day idea architects and dreamers who are hell-bent on proving ourselves. All jargon aside, we are a full-service creative agency that brings brands to life through effective storytelling. We work with brands and organizations through a unique process where we craft, create, and connect meaningful experiences under a common goal. We push our partners to achieve the extraordinary; we don't check boxes, we build ambition that can be measured.

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5 Header Bidding Health Metrics Every Publisher Should Watch

whitePaper | November 30, 2022

Header bidding has become an essential component of most publishers’ ad monetisation strategy, allowing for better inventory fill rates and higher revenue. But just because header bidding is driving more spend to publishers doesn’t mean it can’t be optimised further. This white paper shares 5 metrics publishers should keep an eye on when evaluating the health of their header setup for maximum yield.

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The Best Google Adsense Alternatives for Publishers

whitePaper | November 15, 2022

AdSense is an ad network that allows publishers to automatically sell their inventory to advertisers. Launched in 2003, it is one of the most popular online advertisement networks for bloggers and webmasters looking to monetize their websites. What kind of inventory can be monetized with AdSense? Officially AdSense is open for all kinds of inventory. However, there are certain inventory types that are getting monetized on AdSense most often.

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Display Advertising: The Billboards of the Web

whitePaper | December 29, 2019

Display advertising is an online form of advertising similar to billboards, television ads and print ads. The ad has a simple concept and instantly provides the viewer with upfront information about the product or service. A display ad is embedded into a web page and consists of images and text. It can include sounds, animation or video to attract more attention, or with the help of some programming, can be highly interactive. HTML code is used to instruct a web server to load the specified website when the display ad is clicked on. Revenue for display advertising is usually earned on a cost per click (CPC) basis.

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Why Ad Quality Matters So Much For Rewarded Video Ads

whitePaper | September 19, 2022

What Are Rewarded Video Ads? Many apps, and especially mobile games, have rewarded ad units, in which users are exposed to an ad in exchange for a benefit (extra lives, in- app currency, etc.). These ads are often video ads, but a rewarded ad can come in any format, including a playable/interactive ad, a full-screen interstitial, or a 360° ad, among others. Rewarded ads are among the most popular ad formats because users gain a reward for viewing the ad (beyond just getting access to the app for free). 54% of mobile gamers prefer rewarded ads, while 50% of mobile gamers like rewarded ad formats overall. By comparison, only 21% explicitly dislike them. 61% of Gen Z gamers "enjoyed using the offerwall to complete rewarded ad offers."

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Best Digital OOH practices for law firms

whitePaper | March 20, 2023

Ever since the early 1970s, when the California Supreme Court ruled in favor of Jacoby and Meyers’ right to promote their business, advertising in the legal profession has become an accepted practice. The US Supreme Court’s extension of this right to all states in 1977 made the practice of self-promotion for lawyers a universal one. Inevitably, however, with the advent of the internet and the proliferation of digital technology, the legal marketing landscape has changed over the last few years. Whilst of course, relying on word of mouth and referrals are still some of the most popular ways of attracting new clients, if you’re not taking advantage of powerful and modern marketing methods, tools and platforms, it could mean your law firm is losing clients and revenue to better-equipped competitors.

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The Marketer’s Identity Crisis

whitePaper | December 1, 2021

In an increasingly cookie-less world, understanding a consumer’s complete digital footprint is difficult enough; delivering relevant marketing messages to them as they cross channels can seem almost impossible. The only way that savvy marketers can overcome this problem is by having an approach that resolves consumer identity across all touch points — both digital and offline. This whitepaper presents Neustar’s authoritative identity methodology, which provides a single, consistent view of consumers, no matter the channel or device. You’ll learn:

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CatchFire Creative

We are modern day idea architects and dreamers who are hell-bent on proving ourselves. All jargon aside, we are a full-service creative agency that brings brands to life through effective storytelling. We work with brands and organizations through a unique process where we craft, create, and connect meaningful experiences under a common goal. We push our partners to achieve the extraordinary; we don't check boxes, we build ambition that can be measured.
